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Are you a mother, a fempreneur, or simply a woman on a journey to live a fulfilled life?
We know that when women come together, they can achieve anything.Ā The Queendom Movesā„¢ Academy is an online community that was created to help women connect with one another, share their stories, achieve their dreams, and create a better future for themselves and their families.
Hello Beautfiul.
I'm Ashton Lynne Rondon.
I’ve always believed if you live right, then once is enough.
It's not always easy being a woman. We're expected to be strong and independent and loving and nurturing. We're supposed to have it all together, but often we feel like we're just barely holding on.
I say EFF THAT. We deserve to live on our own terms.
I started the Queendom Moves Academy because I’m passionate about helping you achieve success in all areas of your life. I believe that you have the potential to own your life and that you deserve to have the resources and support that you need to reach your full potential.
Anyone who has been on a journey of self-love knows that it is not always an easy road. There are ups and downs, peaks and valleys. The women who have found their purpose in this world are the ones who have persevered through the tough times and come out on the other side stronger and more confident than ever. These women know that they are not alone on this journey.
We would love to have you as part of our community.
"I am more confident. I own my emotions now, and I know how to let things go. Thank you for this WERK. It's much needed."
Yvonne W
"It feels awesome to be surrounded by women who have the same struggles as me. I feel really uplifted. "
Angie B
You are not alone on this journey. Join us, a powerful group of like-minded women who want to see you WIN!

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